
How often do you feel pulled in multiple directions? How many times do you feel like you don’t have enough hours in the day to complete everything that you set out to accomplish the day before? Have you ever gone through an entire day then into the evening and feel like you won’t be able to go to bed anytime soon because of all of the things that you still need to do?

You’re not alone. In this fast-paced world that we live in, it’s common for us to have multiple responsibilities and tasks that need to be completed on a daily basis. It’s also common to feel like we’re burning the candle at both ends, and it’s a rarity that we are able to gain some true rest. The question that I am pondering is, how did we get here?

Where was the turning point when being too busy became a badge of honor? When did it become admirable to wear ourselves so thin that we sacrifice our own happiness just to say that we packed as much as we could into a 24-hour time period?

I’m asking a lot of questions here, but it’s because I really want to know. I don’t claim to have the answers to these questions, but I have been thinking about many of these various queries lately. While I think that it’s important for us to earn what we need to earn to live the life that we want to live, I also know that working harder instead of smarter may actually become a detriment to accomplishing the goals that we have set out to complete.

What I mean by that is this: if we exert more energy in the form of working more hours per week, trading time for money, are we also losing out on other important areas of our lives? Are we sacrificing time with our loved ones, our children, our spouses, or even alone time just to say that we’ve put in additional time to earn more income?

It’s always important to look at all of the possible answers to any given problem. When I look at the issue of earning more income, I ask myself if there is a better way than simply working overtime or adding a part-time job to the workweek.

There are smarter ways to earn income that may require a considerable time investment in the beginning, but if implemented correctly, it could amount to several successful passive income opportunities that continue to provide additional income with less hours required overall. I am going to continue to look into this and will share any pertinent information that I find that can help you to earn passive income as well.

I’m not going to say that it will be easy. My understanding is that success with earning passive income isn’t some get-rich-quick scheme but is more of a long game. You have to be willing to stay in it for the long haul and expect it to be a slow start in the beginning. However, once the ball starts rolling, it could become a very lucrative opportunity that continues to pay handsome dividends over time almost effortlessly.


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