When was the last time you felt truly unstoppable? When was the last time that your goals and your actions were in sync, and each action that you took was directed towards a particular goal in order to see it through to full completion?
Not many of us can say that this is a common occurrence. We have distractions that come up. We may have a lack of planning. We may even be more of a dreamer rather than an action-taker. While having a dream is an important first step, without actions, those dreams never truly come to fruition.
In order to be unstoppable, you almost need to think and function like a machine. You need to be so set and focused that whatever move you choose to do next is done because it is appropriate for the tasks at hand in relation to completing the overall goals that you have already planned.
This means being focused on one activity at a time. I don’t believe in multitasking. Multitasking is simply doing one thing at a time but switching gears frequently, and in the end, this takes more of a toll on us because our brains weren’t meant to keep switching gears at this rate day after day.
Instead, we should be doing one activity only. Everything else will be classified as a distraction until the activity that we chose to do is completed. We make the one activity our priority, and everything else needs to simply wait in the queue until the appropriate time.
Aside from focusing on one activity at a time, we also need to be intentional. We aren’t accidentally working on our goals; our intentions are to carve out some time in order to work on our goals on purpose. Use the Pomodoro technique; it will help you to stay and remain focused as well as give you the opportunity to take healthy breaks as well.
Finally, planning is essential. You cannot go through your day working on particular goals without having a plan in place prior to starting your work. Even if it’s as simple as putting it on your task list or on your calendar, the point is that you are planning a part of your day to intentionally focus on one activity. Your job is to make sure that your calendar or your task list is realistically filled with the actions that you intend to take for the day before the day begins. This means planning a day in advance or even a week in advance in order to know what’s on the agenda. Planning helps us to frame what we’re going to do, and through planning, we can also prepare the resources that we will need to have in place in order to accomplish our plans.
I believe that the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail; this is appropriate and accurate. Going day by day without any planning in place means that we’re spending at least part of the day trying to figure out what we should be doing rather than getting to work doing it.
It also allows distractions to easily surface, especially if we have nothing planned at the moment and decide to scroll social media or watch something on one of the many streaming services available.
In conclusion, we want to plan our day. Once we have our plans in place, we are going to be intentional about what it is that we set out to do. We will focus on one activity at a time, and we will use available techniques available at our disposal in order to minimize distractions as much as we possibly can. Doing all of these things will help you to see more of your goals accomplished, and it will make you more efficient as well and leave you feeling accomplished on any given day.